راح اشرح لكم تركيز المواد الفعالة بحسب الحجم والعدد.
- المجموعة الإولى: ٣ حبات فطر بحجم متوسط والمجموع ٣ قرام
- المجموعة الثانية: ٦ حبات فطر بحجم صغير والمجموع ٣ قرام.
ال٣ قرام من المجموعة الثانية فيها تركيز أعلى من المواد الفعالة، لأن فاكهة الفطر تفرز قدر اكبر من المواد الفعالة ببداية حياتها. لكن هذا مايعني ان حبة وحدة من المجموعة الأولى بحجم متوسط تركيزها اقل من الصغيرة.
كل ما كبرت الفاكهة كل ما زاد التركيز لكن لو بنحسب التركيز بالوزن فالصغير يفوز، لذا انا اختار جرعاتي حسب الاحجام المتوفرة عندي.
فاكهة الفطر المجهض (Abort(:
هو فطر ما قدر يكمل نمو كحجم بسبب عدم تواجد الظروف المناسبة، لكن كمل يفرز مادة فعالة وصالح للإستهلاك.
لذا في زراعتي دائما اقطف قبل لا اخلي الفطر يكبر ويتفتح. إلا لو باخذ بصمة جينية.
الموضوع له علاقة بالنضج (تفتح الراس) اكثر من الحجم، بعض الفطر ما يكبر لان هذا جيناته بس يتفتح. انا ما انتظره يتفتح.
يقال أن رؤوس الفطر أكثر تركيز بالمادة الفعالة من الساق لكن نتائج المختبر بينت العكس!
There’s emphasis on big shrooms because it’s awesome to see big shrooms, and when I say that different shrooms are more or less potent, I’m talking about a % of total weight. So a single big shroom will still contain far more psilocybin than a single little abort.
I agree, I think pf is talking about maturity, not size.
Does the magic in a small shroom degrade after the spores start coming down?
Does 3.5 dry grams of small yet, sporing mushrooms have more or less magic than 1 3.5 gram biggun w/ the veil still intact?
I routinely get lazy and push off harvesting till the next day, at the common consequence of having the caps fully open, and drop some spores. I really doubt that whatever magic was there when the caps were still closed was lost in that 12 hour window.
So if one wants potent and satisfying Cubensis magic shrooms, they should be grown for potency. And that is done by harvesting them in their young stage, before sporulation begins. When that is done, even the most different appearing spore races look about the same. When the caps aren’t fully expanded, all of the races look similar. The visual differences emerge when the shrooms mature, but then when they mature, they are only good for spore printing. These are weak in potency and unsatisfying for tripping.
A few weeks ago in a thread on this sub there was a discussion on this subject, after doing some research I found this study. It shows that there is a difference in flush and that the 3rd and 4th flush contain the most psilocybin/psilocin.
The psilocybin stayed about the same throughout the flushes. Only the amount of psilocin increased in the second and third flushes. Psilocin (especially in cubensis) is only found in trace amounts anyway. Psilocybin is converted into psilocin after ingestion, so the real differences here are negligible.
You’re still right, in that some of the alkaloids aren’t present as much in the first flush (according to this one study I haven’t looked up really and just skimmed) and that matters in the overall potency but the difference is in available psilocin- which is unstable and is often lost in the drying process either way in large part. But it’s always present always in trace amounts with cubensis anyhow, and psilocybin is just psilocin waiting to happen anyway haha so we’re really only talking about teeny tiny amounts of the happy sauce.
That’s true. The reason I even seen this study was because someone brought up the question about potency in caps vs. stems, so that’s what I mainly focused on and the flush part was something I didn’t focus as much on. I wasn’t aware that psilocin is unstable and lost while drying. So that must be why fresh shrooms are more potent then dried.
The potency of the third flush was twice that of the second and nearly three times that of the fourth.
The third flush did not show the highest psychoactive concentrations in other instances however. The only consistency found was that in the first flush psilocin – and the psilocybin and psilocin analogs were either barley present or entirely absent. Their strength then increased in subsequent flushes.”
Bioaccumulation of secondary metabolites. The longer the mushroom takes to grow will determine how much accumulation of secondary metabolites and thus how potent it will be. The rate that a mushroom grows is determined by which flush. First flush grows really fast, least potent of the harvest. Second flush, a little slower than first, slight more potent than first.
Third flush, even slower growing mushrooms, even more potent than second flush. And so on. When you get to forth, fifth, and sixth flush usually it’s just one or two monster shrooms that seemingly take forever to mature, those are unbelievably potent.
It’s all about the rate of psilo accumulation in tissue, and there’s nothing that can speed up or slow down the rate except how fast they mushroom grows.
Potency is effected by the size quite a bit. The little ones that haven’t even started stretching their veil are going to be the most potent. Also, you should try cutting them vertically down the stem. When the psilocybin oxidizes it turns blue so you can (more or less) clearly see if a shroom is juiced up or “meh” on potency. It’s always going to be tricky to judge so I generally grind up a variety of sizes before I weigh out the dosage.
If you want to try out the potency of your mushrooms without waiting for them to dry, you can definitely eat them fresh. Personally, I think that fresh cubensis mushrooms taste pretty good, but they can be a bit bitter.
Since mushrooms are around 90% water, 22g fresh would be approximately 2.2g dry. Also, I’ve found that fresh mushrooms have a little extra kick to them. Not enough to write home about, but for me they do seem a little bit more interesting.
It has nothing to do with potency but all mushrooms that bruise blue and have a dark purple spore print 99.9% going to be psychoactive. This is probably where the misinfo came from. There’s plenty of light bruisers that will make you trip hard and plenty of heavy bruisers that are bunk potency. It depends on genetics. When using spores to start you’ll have 1000s of strains in your PF cake and numerous strains will get together to make a MS fruit which may or may not be potent. Take clones and isolate strains from your fruits on agar then grow them out and keep the strains that were potent. You can find a potent strain in B+, GT, AA+ etc… all of the varieties will be able to produce potent strains if you select for potent strains on agar in 10000s of spores a few of them are going to be real winners find them and keep em around.
I’ve experienced higher potency with increased colonization/consolidation times, too–and this was on grain. It was actually not really intentional, but I ended up leaving a few jars of grain that I planned on spawning to bulk fully colonized for 3 weeks. PrimalSoup was doing a project on this, which I didn’t know about until after the jars were spawned. I thought, “Huh…we’ll just have to see how this turns out…” Mr. Buffalo (unaware of all of this and really not giving two shits about how this is all done) commented that this harvest was much stronger than previous harvests. Conventional wisdom is that consolidation is only done for cakes to make them more cakey, and you should spawn to bulk at 100% for grain. So maybe there’s something to this “consolidation to add potency” business. What have you got to lose by waiting a few weeks?
With combining the many factors of potency including isolation, consolidation, quality grain growing, no destroyed colonies, less substrate mycelium, and more, potency can easily go from hither-tither predictable unpredictability to best-of-the-best.
There is a study that showed 1st flushes have no psilocin and increased with each flush. Psilocybin is present in 1st flush and increases in each flush. So there is a case to be made for harvesting the 1st flush early to save the nutrition for further flushes. The mushroom stops producing when the veil breaks.
Fix yourself a big thing of cool water. Find comfy spot. Hopefully you’ve already arranged to be not bothered/obligated to do anything for the next 12 hours. Take a deep breath. Mushrooms and the beings that connect to you through them cannot hurt you. Remember you are the universe experiencing itself. Prepare to learn everything about everything and then forget it all. I love you.
They are mushrooms that for one reason or another don’t reach full maturation and as such won’t reach their full size and the veil won’t break. They are characterised by having a black pin head and being smaller than other full grown mushrooms.
They’re alright to eat, they’re more potent by weight. 2g of aborts should be potent than 2g of mature fruits.
Aborts can be caused by several things. Insufficient FAE or water or that the substrate doesn’t have enough nutrients to support the whole flush